Part One Preferred Options Consultation

Closed 26 Feb 2023

Opened 19 Dec 2022


NB Please note we have extended the deadline for submitting responses until 11.59pm Sunday 26th February

What is this consultation about?

We need your help to make sure we have a plan for Central Lancashire that creates places to live, work and relax over the next 15 years. 

This Part One Preferred Options is the next step towards a final draft Local Plan and follows on from our Issues and Options Consultation of 2019. It focusses on the direction of travel for our key strategic policies as well as providing detailed site allocation proposals for housing and employment. We feel that a two-part consultation will give our communities time to influence the emerging plan now and will make the information easier to digest as there is a lot of information to take in.

During this Part One stage we are consulting on the direction of emerging policies, development requirements for housing and employment, and potential site allocations for these uses. The Part Two consultation document will comprise a full suite of draft policies, both strategic and development management (non-strategic) policies, in addition to proposed allocations for all land uses. It will also set out the infrastructure that will be required to support the growth that is planned for Central Lancashire.

Why your views matter

We want to find out how you think peoples' quality of life can be improved. Without your ideas we cannot create a Local Plan that meets the needs of local people and businesses.

Effective and on-going joint working is integral to the production of a positively prepared and justified planning strategy; accordingly the three Central Lancashire local planning authorities consider a single joint local plan as being the most effective way to address the area’s strategic priorities and cross boundary issues. The Central Lancashire Local Plan (when adopted) will replace the Central Lancashire Core Strategy (2012), the Chorley Local Plan (2015), the Preston Local Plan (2015), the Preston City Centre Plan (2016), and the South Ribble Local Plan (2015).

This is an opportunity for you to submit your comments regarding the emerging Local Plan; representations are encouraged online by the deadline (Friday 24th February 2023). Following this, responses will be analysed, reported on, and used to inform the Part Two Consultation planned for Summer 2023

To accompany this consultation, there are a host of events planned across Central Lancashire where officers of the Council’s will be available to explain in more detail what this is about and answer any questions you may have, no matter how big or small, so please come along to the event in your area.

Or go here to find out more about how and why we consult on the Local Plan. We have deposited paper copies of all the Local Plan documents for reference at locations across Central Lancashire, find out where here.

What happens next

Following the close of the consultation, we will, prepare and publish and outcomes report.  The findings set out in the report will be used to refine work on the draft Plan.