Central Lancashire Consultations

We want you to have your say about what matters most to you about Central Lancashire. Get involved in shaping the new Central Lancashire Local Plan.

We need to ensure Central Lancashire will make the most of its assets and provide enough homes and jobs for its residents, whilst being at the forefront of adapting to the impacts and challenges of climate change.

Your input will help shape the strategies and policies for Central Lancashire from now until 2036.


Featured consultations

  • Call for Sites 4

    The Call for Sites 4 is being undertaken alongside the consultation on Part 1 Preferred Options Document. This is open to anyone who wishes to have land considered for allocation for developmet in the emerging Local Plan. We do ask that you check that sites you wish considering have not already been suggested to the Council. Call for site 4 will run for 10 weeks from Monday 19th December 2022 until Friday 24th February 2023

    Closed 24 February 2023

  • Part One Preferred Options Consultation

    NB Please note we have extended the deadline for submitting responses until 11.59pm Sunday 26th February What is this consultation about? We need your help to make sure we have a plan for Central Lancashire that creates places to live, work and relax over the next 15 years. This Part One Preferred Options is the next step towards a final draft Local Plan and follows on from our Issues and Options Consultation of 2019. It focusses on the direction of travel for our key...

    Closed 26 February 2023

Closed Consultations

  • Part One Preferred Options Consultation

    NB Please note we have extended the deadline for submitting responses until 11.59pm Sunday 26th February What is this consultation about? We need your help to make sure we have a plan for Central Lancashire that creates places to live, work and relax over the next 15 years. This...

    Closed 26 February 2023

  • Call for Sites 4

    The Call for Sites 4 is being undertaken alongside the consultation on Part 1 Preferred Options Document. This is open to anyone who wishes to have land considered for allocation for developmet in the emerging Local Plan. We do ask that you check that sites you wish considering have not already...

    Closed 24 February 2023

  • Equalities Monitoring Survey

    Equality monitoring enables us to increase our knowledge and understanding of Central Lancashire’s diverse communities and gather information about who uses our services. The information you provide will be used to make sure that our services are being accessed equally. The...

    Closed 14 February 2020

  • Call for Sites - Part 3

    The Call for Sites is a public consultation for the Central Lancashire Local Plan. Organisations or the public are asked to submit sites they wish to see allocated for all types of development or for protection, from adoption in 2022 until 2036. Part 1 ran for 12 weeks from Friday 17th...

    Closed 14 February 2020

  • Issues and Options Consultation

    What is this consultation about? We need your help to make sure we have a plan for Central Lancashire that creates places to live, work and relax over the next 15 years. Tell us how we can improve the future for generations to come and reduce climate change by being carbon neutral by 2030....

    Closed 14 February 2020