Call for Sites 4

Closed 24 Feb 2023

Opened 19 Dec 2022


The Call for Sites 4 is being undertaken alongside the consultation on Part 1 Preferred Options Document.  This is open to anyone who wishes to have land considered for allocation for developmet in the emerging Local Plan. We do ask that you check that sites you wish considering have not already been suggested to the Council. 

Call for site 4 will run for 10 weeks from Monday 19th December 2022 until Friday 24th February 2023

Why your views matter

We are undertaking a further call for sites stage and are seeking submissions on any land that you feel shoud be considered for development in the emerging local Plan which has not been suggested to us previously.  

This call for sites will enable stakeholders to submit further sites for development, and we are particualrly after more sites for employment uses due to the low number of suggestions for this land use received to date.  Ensuring we have a deliverable supply of employment sites which meets the needs of our business is essential to maintaining and growing Central Lancashire's economy.

