Central Lancashire Local Plan Regulation 19 Representation Period

Closes 14 Apr 2025

Part A: Personal Details

This section of the survey is for you to input your personal details. 

Please note that we are not able to accept any responses where personal details are not provided.

Please also note that in order to ensure an effective and fair examination of the Central Lancashire Local Plan, the Central Lancashire Authorities will ensure that the names of those making representations can be made available (including publication on the CLLP website) and taken into account by the Inspector. This is in line with national government guidance that can be found here

If you have any questions about how the Central Lancashire Authorities will handle your personal data, please see our Data Protection Policy Statements or contact us via email at centrallancashireplan@chorley.gov.uk 

1. What is your title?
2. What is your first name?
3. What is your last name?
4. What is your job title? (if relevant to the representation)
5. What is your organisation? (if relevant to the representation)
6. What Authority do live/work in?
7. What is your address?
8. What is your email address?